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  • Writer's pictureAbhiram Sathasivam

File Your Taxes on Time and Let’s Make Tax Planning a Priority!

It’s the time of year for people in Canada to file their taxes. April 30, 2023 is the deadline for most Canadians to file their taxes. It’s also when most Canadians think about their taxes. In fact, most Canadians are leaving money on the table by not effectively having a year-round tax strategy.

A survey conducted by IG Wealth Management in 2023 found that Canadians are missing a critical opportunity to optimize their tax savings. Only 22% of Canadians make tax planning a priority year-round. In fact, only 10% of Canadian feel confident that they take advantage of all available tax credits. The irony is 85% of Canadians believe a tax refund is a good thing. But that means the government held onto your money throughout the year when you could have used it to pay your bills, take your family on a nice vacation or generate interest income. When Canadians are facing multiple macro-economic challenges, it’s even more important to have a knowledgeable tax advisor working for you.

Taxes can be complicated but here at Simple Business Accounting & Advisory, we can take of your immediate tax needs for 2023 and work with you to set up an efficient tax plan for next year, so you can be rest assured you have done what you can to keep more of your money.

Reach out to us so we can guide you through the tax filing process in 2023 and beyond!

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